Healing the Body -Energy over Matter- Instant Remissions

Healing the Body -Energy over Matter- Instant Remissions

 I always wondered why if the brain is an essential part of this 3D world, it has never been studied according to its significance for human advancement. I ever dreamed of finding a way to bring humanity to a higher level, experiencing myself a mindful journey,  relentlessly striving for excellence, but I never knew how until now. So I am in awe that I have found someone that conceptualized what some of us, including the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, never gestated in words.
Not too many have heard about him, yet but the world will because his work and legacy will be equivalent to the work of world changers such Nicola Tesla or Martin Luther King. We are fortunate that this knowledge is available in our lifetime. No one before has unpeeled the onion of the mind, body, and soul man has done it, with those brilliant discoveries which are nothing less than divine downloads.
In the past seven years, he has scientifically induced and tested instantaneous remission all over the world. Today, the medical community may disagree rightfully so, but time will tell that he figure it out the “how to the Secret,” “the gateway into the Quantum Field.
Following a portion of his speech explaining the science of the Placebo and the pharmacy with in our body.
We come pre-loaded with all the biological and neurological machinery to do this and it is essential to understand that we have Quantum Physics, we have Neuroscience, we have Neuroendocrinology, we have Psychoneuroimmunology, we have Epigenetics and all those scientific models are pointing the finger at possibility and how the mind and body are totally related.
In other words, mind, and matter, mind and body were two different entities until the birth of quantum physics. Pshyco neuroimmunology says there is not a time that the mind isn’t influencing the body. There isn’t the time that the body isn’t influencing the mind, and that we are always in the state of being .
So then if you are living by the same thoughts, behaviors, and emotions every single day, then your biology is going to stay exactly the same so then the question is, if you can begin to change the way you feel, change the way you act and change the way you feel every single day and be consistent  with it and not returns back to the old mechanisms, in time then, you see a steady gradual change, now. it is easier said than done but when you understand how much potential we have as human beings and you begin to understand the science of the placebo.
Think about this, how can you give somebody a sugar pill, a saline injection,  or perform some false surgery or procedure and a certain percentage of those people will accept, believe and surrender without any analysis to the thought that they are getting the real substance or treatment and  they begin to program their autonomic nervous system to make their own pharmacy of chemicals that matches the same exact chemical that they think they are taking.
So it is the inner substance that is doing the healing or it is the body in their capacity to heal. so then if you understand the science of how the placebo works can you then teach it and instead of putting your belief in something outside of you. Can you put your belief in something inside of you and putting your intention in some potential the quantum field in something unknown instead of the known and keep revisiting that unknown until you make known, then you will begin to manifest the change in energy, the change in chemistry, the change in biology,the  change in circuitry, the change in genetic expression as a result of your own vision.
Here is an example: in a depression study, where they do placebo studies 81 % of those people that are in the depressive study they are given a placebo and 81 % get better from depression by taking the placebo many of those people to think they are getting the real substance when the placebo is revealed. they go back to the doctor and say I think you made a mistake I think I got the real drug.  The doctor responds. No, NO you had just the placebo. your brain scan even shows that you are better.
In other words, it is not only in your mind. it is in your brain. Means that they are making their own pharmacy of antidepressants. The exact chemical that they need to get better is within us. There is a blend of chemicals that begin to affect our body dramatically. 10 minutes of gratitude today begins to release a chemical called amino globulin A, the primary defense against bacteria and viruses in the body…

Health Pilot Program in NYC to materialize our vision of people taking control of chronic disease,  decreasing the global death’s rates and the 9 trillion dollars in health care spending. 

Since we are all interconnected parts of a large organ called the Universe,  we are experimenting the unknown working in other Pilot Program located in Santander, Colombia to create a shift from violence, corruption into unity, transparency and an environmentally aware culture. 

 The universe is a mental construction and we, together, can raise the human standards! 

Health Pilot Program in NYC to materialize our vision of people taking control of chronic disease,  decreasing the global death’s rates and the 9 trillion dollars in health care spending. 

Since we are all interconnected parts of a large organ called the Universe,  we are experimenting the unknown working in other Pilot Program located in Santander, Colombia to create a shift from violence, corruption into unity, transparency and an environmentally aware culture. 

 The universe is a mental construction and we, together, can raise the human standards! 

Health Pilot Program in NYC to materialize our vision of people taking control of chronic disease,  decreasing the global death’s rates and the 9 trillion dollars in health care spending. 

Since we are all interconnected parts of a large organ called the Universe,  we are experimenting the unknown working in other Pilot Program located in Santander, Colombia to create a shift from violence, corruption into unity, transparency and an environmentally aware culture. 

 The universe is a mental construction and we, together, can raise the human standards! 

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