


 In different forms, The United States has become as violent as Colombia. Both Countries have become addicted to violence.

A Pilot Program in Santander, Colombia

My vision is to work on critical social issues such as violence, corruption, and environmental challenges.  Our Pilot Program is designed to work as a CATALYST because our model is LEAD  by the most FUNDAMENTAL DRIVER: OUR CONSCIOUS!  We will start in Santander, Colombia, with the strategy to integrated the solutions for these three challenges at the same time because the solutions are rooted in the same. The human core: the mind, body, and soul.
We will use technology that has been used successfully in the last 7 years for instantaneous remission all over the world,  we are very lucky that this knowledge is available to us in our lifetime. No one before has unpeeled the onion of the mind, body, and soul as Dr. Dispenza has done it, with those brilliant discoveries which nothing less than divine downloads.
 The program will bring the knowledge to the children and teenagers of Santander. The teachings have been scientifically tested by Dr. Joe Dispenza that combines neuroscience, epigenetics, neuroplasticity, endocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, and quantum physics.  We will combine the concepts, with actual experiences to teach the body to become the brain.
The following concepts are Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work combined with my ideas to customized this technology to change the culture to create human empowerment for unity, transparency and environmental awareness.


    “Most people live their life in a habit, experiencing the same thinking the same emotions, the same acts. Must of us are expecting our lives to change,  but how you think, how you act and how you feel is called your personality.  Your personality creates your personal reality. If you think 60 to 70 thousand thoughts in one day and 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before.

Those same thoughts will lead you to the same choices, those choices will lead you to the same behaviors, the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences creates the same emotions and those same emotions then make you have the same thoughts. then you get caught on this biological, neurological and quantum fixated pattern.”

For a Second Think About the People That Chose to Live as a Guerrilla in the Colombian’s Jungle. 

For guerrillas social injustice and inequality was the fuel that initiated their existence. It has been more than 50 years of conflict and violence.  Today, violence is ingrained in the culture, so how you brake their habit of them to no longer be themselves.?
For years, they have had the same thoughts, the same feelings, the same actions, creating their personality,  their identity. Fighting and conflict have been their way of life. Those same thoughts had to lead them to the same choices, and those same choices had to lead them to the same behaviors.
The same behaviors had created the same experiences and the same experiences had created the same emotions and those same emotions, then make them have the same thoughts.  Then they will get caught in the same fixated patterns of violence and conflict and there is no way that this neurological network will be changed by signing a peace agreement.
Now, think of the children that have grown seeing and listening to the violence that they either witnessed, heard on radio or TV because that is part of the daily life in Colombia, in which the news in Caracol or RCN are charged with violent content and watch while having lunch or dinner.

Those children has the same thoughts that will lead them to the same choices, and those same choices will lead them to the same behaviors, the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences create the same emotions and those same emotions will then make them to have the same thoughts. Then they will get caught in the same fixated patterns of violence. The same goes for the parents and everyone else in Colombia that are not aware of this concepts. And the same for the rest of people in the world except for those that are conscious how how the brain/ mind works.


The Fixated Patterns will Make Them to Live in The Memories of the Past and Not on the Vision of the Future.

“The hardest part about change in creating the life that you want is to become conscious of this cycle that makes must of us to live in the memories of the past and not on the vision of the future.
But, at the moment you don’t make the same choices, the same experiences you did the day before, and the moment you do that you step into the unknown, not realizing that the unknown is the place to create from, to start something.
When we become comfortable to live in the unknown is where we really start to manifest what we want in life.  You want to create and execute new things instead of living of the memories of the past”

Creating a New Identity Manifesting their Dreams Wide Awake.

Now visualized if we create an environment where is possible for people to become aware of these fixated patterns and become conscious of not living in the memories of the past and consciously start to create new moments, new choices, new experiences. They all will be stepping into the unknown and will start creating a new identity manifesting their dreams wide awake.

“But most people lives are organized to reflect everything they know of their lives. Their brain is a record of the past and if you feel the same way every single day and feelings and emotions are the memories of the past experiences it means:

1. nothing new is happening in your life and 2. those emotions are keeping you anchor to the past. if thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates and state of being, most people are biologically, neurologically, chemically and quantum wise connected to a past.”

The Challenge Is to Become Aware, to Become Conscious and Watch What Your Mind is Thinking.

“The question is? can you believe in the future?
that you can see and experience with your senses yet? neuroscience and neuroplasticity tell us that we can change our brain and look like the event has already occurred  and we can emotionally embrace a future reality that is a potential in the quantum field and begin to embrace it in such a way that we fall in love with that future reality.
That our body is our unconscious reality and begins to believe that is living in the future reality in the present moment and we are signaling new genes and new ways to change our body in a way that starts feeling as if the experience has already occurred in preparation for the event.”
“When this is done properly you are not waiting for your healing to feel whole, you are not waiting for your success to feel in power, you are not waiting for your wealth to feel abundant, you are not waiting for your relationship to feel love, that is the old model of reality of cause an effect waiting for something to happen outside of you for you to feel better.
When you begin to make the correlation between what is outside of you. The quantum model of reality begins to say that you have to teach your body emotionally how that future is going to feel before it manifest.
In other words, you have to feel abundance before that wealth can occur, you have to feel in love with life before that new relationship starts to happen so we are no defining our reality with pour senses because we are not waiting then for anything outside of how we feel inside of us.”

 Become Conscious and Vigilant of Your Thinking

We are emotionally embracing a future reality in which the children and teenagers will be learning this concepts. We started to feel as if the students are leaning this concepts and passing them to their parents and family members broadcasting this in the Aether.  In the Quantum field. Soon We will have all the necessary parts and connections to bring the future closer to our present and the knowledge will spread and they will become more conscious and vigilant of their thinking.
“There is physical evidence in your brain to look that the experience has already happened because the epigenetic model of reality says you can change your body by thought alone and neuroplasticity says you can change your brain by thought alone.
If there is physical evidence to look like the experience has already occurred relax because the experience is going to find you and is going to come in a way that you least expect. The challenge is to live your life by the vision of your future”
“When you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion the heart feels a state of being.  The thoughts are the language of the brain. Emotions are the language of our body. Your brain and body are going to live an experience of the future.
You are going to be drawn to some new events because thoughts are the electrical charges in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge. And how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life.

New Thinking and Feelings will Create the Electrical and Magnetic Charges in the Quantum Field

If everyone in Colombia gets these knowledge, and all visualize to live in harmony and transparency, creating elevated emotions with genuine and passionate hearts, unity and transparency will be the new language of their brains and new emotions will be the language of their bodies creating then, the new experiences of the Colombian future.
The ground will set to a brighter future and they all are going to be drawn to some new events because their new thinking and feelings will create the electrical and magnetic charges in the quantum field, broadcasting an electromagnetic signature that will influence every single atom of the Colombian people. In time we can bring the program to other parts of violence and conflict around the world.
More of the Catalyst Programs in the next blog

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