Mortality Rate: The Difference That Age, Nutrition, Government Strategy  and Intensity in the Targeted Country Makes

Mortality Rate: The Difference That Age, Nutrition, Government Strategy and Intensity in the Targeted Country Makes


The age marks a significant difference in the mortality rate of certain countries like India and Mexico with densely populated areas, but the lowest mortality rate considering their big population. Observe the Median Age of India is 28.4, Mexico with 29.2 and Colombia right behind with 31.3 presenting a younger population and healthier immune systems. This important factor can bring hope to other countries with young populations.

Observe that Iran also has a younger and dense population with a Median age of 32 and yet the third country with the largest confirmed cases and deaths in the world. It is possible that Iran was heavily targeted, and their loss could be as large as Italy, but the younger people and their strong immune systems made the difference.

It is clear that Italy and Iran were heavily targeted, while others barely touched like the Russian Federation with only 92 imported cases, the  African and Latin American countries. It is obvious that Latin American targeting just started this past weekend March 15th, as Colombia quickly surge in the weekend to 95 cases.

South Kean an Example of Hope and Model to Follow!

Source: Johns Hopkins University and Medicine

Besides China, Japan, Germany, and South Korea are the stars of this tragedy, but South Korea is an example of hope and the model to follow, as they were heavily targeted and have a relatively older population of a median age of 43.7 making a challenging situation as it is for Italy and Iran, yet they are the example of great ways of life and brilliant government strategy, that in this historical moment it has been their salvation.

Not doubt that success is the outcome of excellent nutritional habits and an intelligent government strategy that does not includes looking down entire cities or other stricter measures that only created panic, scaring the population bringing their immune defenses down. “South Korea is a democratic republic, we feel a lockdown is not a reasonable choice,” says Kim Woo-Joo, an infectious disease specialist at Korea University. 

South Korea: Important warning of Resurgence

Don’t touch your face and wash your hands after opening packages

South Korea is an example of another important warning and that is that after bringing the infected cases down the country is experiencing a resurgence which indicated that the targeting hasn’t ceased. As it is for New York and other key cities in the world that after following hard guidelines, the cases inexplicably multiply, Or all of the sudden appears in remote places of the country like turning the Christmas light with a switch as seen in this past weekend in Latin American countries. 

The take away of this article is that there is hope for everyone but especially for those countries with younger populations and excellent nutrition and ways of life that sustain high immune defenses if there is a resurgence. Follow the South Korean model and be careful with what is inside your mail, make sure you don’t touch your face and really, really wash your hands after opening it!  love, Elizabeth

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