I got Infected with the COVID19: Through Food or Somewhere between West New York and Bogota

I got Infected with the COVID19: Through Food or Somewhere between West New York and Bogota

My way of life has been always about learning how to heal me naturally, in multiple medical conditions, then, turn around to heal others because that is my passion.  Today,  healing myself from the COVI19 should be easy for me,  as healing is what I do best!. I am not sure just yet where and how exactly I got it, but I have an intuition it was through a fruit that I got in a big store in West New York. On March 17th  I went there and bought a bag of grapes and other fruits and vegetables. While driving back home, I started eating them without washing them. I barely cleaned them with my t-shirt. I know that was not a healthy thing to do but I was very hungry.  After about a few hours I started feeling the uncomfortable throat and I clearly knew it was the dam grapes!. Right away, I followed an anti-inflammation and infection protocol and it went away for that night as the next day I was feeling well. 

The confirmed cases today March 26th  in NY: 33,033, NJ: 4,407, and a total of 69,197 in the USA in about twenty days

Too much too soon for Italy, Ian and New York

I know it is crazy to think that I got it through the grapes but It has been written in my prior articles, that the Wuhan “escaped” or “leaked” is not an accident. Facts after facts everyday mounts to disclose a truth that is too big to hide. The confirmed cases today March 26th  in NY: 33,033, NJ: 4,407, and a total of 69,197 in the USA in about twenty days. Too much too soon to be spread person to person.  New York City and Wuhan, Hubei has both about the same population of over 8 million people, so it is mathematically impossible when you compare the time involved. Wuhan started in November and has been announcing well enough to getting back to business this week.  Those are about 5 months or 150 days to spread at a normal rate without outside intervention, while New York has about 20 days. At this rate, it will surpass Wuhan, Hubei the epicenter of this warfare.

“AEROSOL TRANSMISSION has been suspected”

Source; Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
In NY are 26,395 and 65,778 in the USA

 Eunice Yoon is CNBC’s Beijing Bureau Chief and covered the coronavirus outbreak in China since the beginning. She reported on March 9 that “the main way COVID19 spreads is through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing. They say the virus has been detected in feces, AEROSOL TRANSMISSION has been suspected”. Whoever coordinated this probably sent “agents”, with aerosol sprays and they did it in the highest targeted areas: Italy, Iran, and New York The same way it happened to the Hubei’s people: In their food. I think NYC was targeted, spraying the virus in public transportation, in the pavement of the NYC streets too. Then we got it not only in our food but in the clothes, hair, shoes and that would the more logical explanation to the astronomical spreading in only  20 days.   

Continuing with my case, on how I started the symptoms. The first time I felt something in my throat was on March 17 about a week ago. I suppressed the symptoms and the infection with my protocols. Then,  I was exposed to the virus again while going in the airplane from Newark, NJ to Atlanta, GA. There were about 30 people on that first flight. The duration of exposure was about two hours as we were seated inside the airplane for about an hour.  Then, the second exposure was in the airplane from Atlanta to Bogota. Surrounded by under 400 people, and about 4 hours of exposure time. Then, my stay at the Bogota airport, from 7 pm on Friday to 5 am Saturday.  I slept on a bench alone away from contact for most of that time.

My Defenses Lowered With so Many Heartaches and Stress

Then, the flight from Bogota to Bucaramanga with about 20 passengers for about 90 minutes inside the airplane because of weather conditions we couldn’t land. I come back home with a passenger that happened to live near my complex. He was young and healthy. Once again younger people could be asymptomatic. Even though I wore the mask at all times we were very close to one another the entire time. If you think about it, there were many chances, for me to get reinfected and for me to infect others if I already had it in my body on that journey.

The first time I started to really feel the symptoms were on Saturday at 3.21. That day I cry so much in my mom’s funeral and the stress to be almost arrested, plus all the accumulated stress from the moment my mom went surgery, the two days of traveling jumping through hoops to make it on time before the airports were closed. It was too much!! I am sure my defenses lowered with so many heartaches and stress. That night I started to feel the shortness of breath. Then, the next day Sunday 3.22 I was ok until I went to sleep, the symptoms become clear. The shortness of breath was unbearable to a point I couldn’t sleep for even one hour.

Shortness of breath, Hardening the Lungs, Extremely Tired 

The morning of Sunday 3.23 I was worse. I felt not only shortness of breath but when breathing my lungs felt they were hardening.  Extremely tired, and fatigue after doing almost nothing. By that time I had gathered all the information on some of the ingredients of the “brown soup” the medicine that the Chinese Hospitals were given to their 60,000  positive cases every morning and night to treat the virus.  It was beyond believed that as I was searching all night, about 7 am I got a text message from Kyung Ha a South Korean lady that is an acupuncturist and expert in Eastern nutrition and natural medicine, especially Korean medicine. I had met her last summer on the Mediterranean cruise. I haven’t talked to her since about October but as you know there are no coincidences, there are synchronicities and my mom was possibly helping me, again.

I was there desperately searching for such especial information when I got a text from a true expert on the subject given me this valuable information on the Korean protocols. Do you know what is to have the medicine of those over 60,000 that had survived? I felt in control!. I felt that everything would be ok.!  That Sunday 3.23 I started to do as much as my body could take, without choking my body. At the end of the day, I did both protocols (some of the Chinese key ingredients and the South Korean)  combine with my own.  At night I was feeling normal which was incredible. My hope was huge. The next morning Monday 3.24 I was feeling normal but something had changed through the day. It was the same day I took the virus test, which was in itself a horrible experience. Here in Colombia, this is treated with a lot of precautions. the team of people that come to take the test was, well trained and precise on what they did.  The video reflects the courage people at the front of the lines exiting my house. They already had removed most of their protective clothing and keep spreading alcohol.

It took about an hour between the paperwork and getting the sample from my throat. They inserted a tube in my nose that got to my throat. they put a solution that mixed with my throat mucus, then suctioned and it went to the sample tube. That was brutal!. That and perhaps the wrong foods affected me because, at night, I started feeling heavy, sick again. Then, in the middle of the night, once again the shortness of breath was torturing me. I couldn’t sleep again, but at least it wasn’t like the prior awful experience. I realized it wasn’t over and I have to be on top of my game with all the protocols. Today I have been very mindful of the food and the protocols. I am feeling very tired, I am getting suffocated very easily. Not as much short breathing thanks God. I have developed this nausea which is probably one of the supplements I am intaking. Tomorrow it will be my six-day on the fight!.   

The take away of this article are two items: It doesn’t matter if my beloved New Yorkers and New Jersians keep their mask, keep social distancing and stay quarantined at home if there are people out there aerosol transmitting the virus.

Please no only wash your hands but I will suggest wearing no only the mask but also plastic gloves if you are going to use mass transportation to protect you and stop you from taking your hands to your face. Also when you get home to take your shoes and spray alcohol all over your body. Throw the clothes in the laundry or put them under the sun. Lastly, wash your food very well.

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