
It is my responsibility to pass the light on reversing chronic disease with food to save millions of lives around the world, to do my best to protect the planet for future generations, to help the people in those countries in social despair and chaos planting the seeds for transparency and peace. I also was born a “19, a World Changer” and we cannot help it, because this passion for humanity is the fuel of our souls.

Que Podria Pasar Cuando Salgamos de la Cuarentena?

La visión de lo que ha faltado implementar no sólo en el Gobierno de #Colombia pero en otros países con altos porcentajes de muertes por el #COVID. El país necesita hacer conciencia de: 1. Quienes son los "vulnerables" 2 Quienes son los "saludables asintomáticos portadores silenciosos del COVID. La ction a tomar por estos grupos que ha vivido toda la vida juntos y que por falta de educación pueden crear una tragedia a los que más amamos.

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Why Masks are a Distraction to the “Vulnerable”

Most of the "Healthy People" are silent carriers of the Virus. Wearing a mask doesn't guarantee you won't get infected. Yet you got back to your loved ones that may be "Vulnerable" and without knowing you may be infecting them. The key is a strategy either from governments or your own strategy, where you are well aware that the minute you go out your home with/without a mask you may get infected, you may become a "silent carrier" of the virus and them go back to home and infect someone home that is "vulnerable"

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