Elizabeth forever dreamed of finding a way to bring humanity to a higher level with everyone experiencing vibrant health because she wanted to share with others an easier path than the one she had for herself. Her medical conditions were her inspiration to create a food-based -disease prevention strategy backed up with a patent.
As months, as years has gone by, she has realized that those dreams are materializing one by one, and She has been able to pass the light, using two approaches. The “Matter to Matter Method” using scientific nutrition with a food-based -disease prevention strategy. We will address the root of the problem in the physical realm working with natural foods and supplements.
Simultaneously she uses “Energy to Matter” on her second approach working with Dr. Joe Dispenza’s technology, which includes meditation, neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics. Bending Reality from the Quantum Field, materializing her VISION to help manage chronic disease in the world.
Elizabeth also, dreamed of changing the violence and corruption in Colombia, because she knew that the outcome would change the lives of those people in suffering and poverty. She always wanted to find a way to make people conscious of the environment because time is ticking for us.
To accomplish her vision, Elizabeth is now in Colombia disrupting 200 years of violence, corruption, and impunity with an operation called CINAGREXCO to create change. Www.cinagrexco.com
Elizabeth doesn’t have a Dr. before her name, but seven years suffering must of chronic medical conditions prepared her to become a Spiritual Doctor and Teacher. Her knowledge goes beyond the physical realms.
She knows more about reversing medical conditions with food than most doctors. Intuition and vision are her gifts, and some of the abilities have been activated and are part of her expansive ability to create, empowered through her direct connection to the source, expressed in her higher purpose and passion for humanity.
Her energy centers of divine love, spiritual compassion, intuition, selflessness, and ability to connect to the “Akashic Records” are evident when in 2014 she created an identical invention to a Chinese team to reverse medical conditions with food at the same time.
They both presented similar philosophies and strategies in their Patent works without knowing each other, from totally different backgrounds and opposite continents. With more than 200 similar patents in the USPTO proof that people are connected to the Quantum Field, downloading divine information. Elizabeth was one of them.
Instant manifestations and the ability to bring healing from higher realms into the present life is her present intent. She is here to balance the earth, to pass the light!
Originally from Colombia, with an International Business and diplomacy studies and a Business Administration and Hotel Management Degree. I arrived in NYC in 1991, after being part of a student movement, that changed the Colombian’s Constitution. A peaceful revolution that taught me, the destiny of a nation in chaos can be transformed by a few people given the right moment in history.
1992- 1994 Started my journey of transformation. Although limited by language, I became obsessed with learning English while studying Marketing and Communications at FIT. The NYC blend influenced me to run the New York City Marathon, learn about Yoga, Nutrition, and Meditation. The Asian and Indian communities were the inspiration to learn about the complexity of the human Mind and Soul while discovering a new way of life into Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence.
1995 – 2007 – My entrepreneurial spirit and the greatness of the American way inspired me to incorporate America’s Trading Group. Later, I joined the Real Estate industry. In a short time, I honored with Company awards and an outstanding record in Real Estate. I became a top producer and overnight success.
2007 – 2014 – The prior “marathon” unbalanced my health, and for seven years, I suffered must chronic medical conditions, including cancer. An opportunity to learn and experiment with the most brilliant, worldwide, medical pioneers, this suffering inspired and enlightened me to live a mission-oriented life.
2014 – 2020 – NYC- Worked on the project: “Becoming Excellence”, which helps people take control of their lives by restoring old belief systems using the power of self-awareness, reconfiguring the brain, which in turn it will create a new mind with a new belief system. That will finally allow you to manifest your true unlimited potential.
The program includes the critical of CHANGING HABITS, CHANGING CONSCIOUSNESS, TRANSFORMING CULTURE AND COUNTRY, simultaneously, with a “Food-Based Disease Prevention Strategy”. A global intervention to provide the nutritional and medicinal benefits that the human body needs. www.becomingexcellence.org
March 2020, the death of her mother, brings her back to Colombia where she locked her up due to the pandemic, finally ended, committing herself to Colombia. Founder and Spokesperson of the PLAN SALIDA Social Movement – Bogotá, D.C., Capital District, Colombia. Ideology of the REFERENDUM OF THE PEOPLE: 5 proposals- more than 170 new articles in Agriculture, Education, the Environment, Health and Justice approved by the Constitutional Court and the Registry Office in March 2021. That work is today the Roadmap, to help change the Colombian economy to Potencia Agro Indsutrial Turística. www.plansalida.org
Present, Founder of the cooperative Agroindustrial and Exporter of Colombia, CINAGREXCO.comThe mission is through REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE to produce and transform food, while creating a beautiful life for Colombian farmers, rescuing them, from their extinction, while they produce organic smart and delicious food to heal humanity.
AGRO-INDUSTRIALIZATION, adding ADDED VALUE to agricultural products with the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY that developed super foods and solutions for health, which will heal chronic diseases that bleed the world with over $ 10 trillion dollars annually.
Education for the people using the combination of the CIRCULAR ECONOMY and the technology of Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, Epigenetics to REVERSE the CULTURES of CORRUPTION and VIOLENCE and IMPUNITY to MAKE COLOMBIA A COUNTRY of PROSPERITY AND SUSTAINABLE PEACE.
Founder of ReEvolution.co S.A.S. ESP is a Public Services Company, with the Purpose of Benefit and Collective Interest, BIC, and has the challenging mission of disrupting the existence of sanitary landfills, AVOIDING our organic waste from entering the recycling circuit, thus avoiding an unnecessary carbon footprint, which produces the decomposition of waste in landfills and which accounts for 80% of this carbon footprint of waste management.
Transforming Consciousness and changing Culture is the greatest challenge for a society, but it is the one that ensures lasting changes to a country.
Founder of ORGANIC FARMERS FOODS, a franchise designed to purchase organic farmers production at fair prices while we give them technical support and help, backed up with online service.
Founder of MANDALA’S FOUNDATION, non profit encharge to the construction of the “Villas of Light”. 1584 houses per village designed in the Metraton’s shape, with sacred geometry to heal the farmers and its territory. We will bring 3 generations together to rescue them, from extinción while we take care of them, and they take care of us by producing and transforming organic smart food to heal humanity.