Bringing the Big Guns. The Best on Earth to Fight this Fight!

Bringing the Big Guns. The Best on Earth to Fight this Fight!

The Best of Earth: My Super Heroes to Fight the fight!

I have been agonizing for the infected people!  The Government and media leaders have focused their attention on travel bans, testing, isolation, mask, and washing hands. While that all may seem to be a “reasonable” response to the pandemic, at the end of the day, it won’t do anything to protect you or save you if you get infected. The fast deaths have taught us that time is of the essence, and having a strong immune system and low inflammation is critical.

I am going to quickly disclose that  I developed Diabetes in 2007 and in 2011 my vital organs were damaged by triple antibiotics, today I still working on reversing the fatty liver consequences. In 2014 I reversed uterus cancer and diabetes, and multiple other medical conditions naturally. Today I am beating the covid19. Now, how I get it? I am not sure where or when but I have an intuition and you can read details on my blog “Somewhere between West New York and Bogota, I got the COVID-19”.

What are my symptoms: Unlike some others, I didn’t have a cough or fever, I started with the shortness of breath, then, the fatigue, suffocated when going up the stairs which is very unusual for me, as I am athletic woman, and nausea, especially after eating. Now, I am aware that diarrhea and nausea may appear, but you need to become suspicious instead of waiting for the respiratory symptoms to emerge. I haven’t had a fever but I am also concious that fever may follow, after nausea.  

My Strategy!

Observe that Dr. Richard Cheng has been working in Shanghai, China and said the COVID-19 CAUSES an OVERWHELMING INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE making difficult for our LUNGS to EXCHANGE OXIGEN. The inflammatory response is known as “Oxidative stress and free radicals” that causes injuries to our lungs and other cells. Vitamin C is historically known for the superhero that fights oxidative stress with high doses of INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C or IVC and it is the CORE of the protocols in clinical treatments and control of the outbreak in China.

Additionally, over 60,000 Chinese were given a “brown soup” every morning and night in those 14 days at the hospital. There is not much public information about what is in the “brown soup” but after a lot of searches, I found the equivalent to the critical herbal compounds in the “lung-clearing and detoxing soup,” of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the fight against the novel coronavirus outbreak. A Massachusetts acupuncturist and nutritionist that has been in contact with her people in South Korea gave me their protocol.

Having all that vital information about the successful Chinese and S. Korean treatment has given faith to the road map to follow because healing is what I do best! Today is the fifth day since the test was taking here in Colombia and still, we got no results. If I didn’t have this powerful knowledge and experience, I would already be experiencing the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis. The negligence of the people in charge of this step is despicable.

“The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It’!

What are my Protocols? Every day starts with a glass of water with apple cider vinegar to take care of Alkalinity, fatty liver and the virus at the same time. You can take lemon or baking soda for alkalinity purposes. Then 2000 mg spread during the day of the total 8,000 mg. of vitamin C a day. One of the most powerful anti-inflammatories that our eath has, my star, the black seed oil that will protect and clean the lung airways.

Another hero is the most powerful antioxidant Glutathione in easy formula with Alpha Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle extract that will fight the virus while repairing my liver. Finally, my equivalent to the “brown soup” a formula full of our earth superheroes that include zinc, 250 mg of grapefruit seed extract, astragalus root 100 mg, Reishi mushrooms extract 100mg, Echinacea Angustifolia 50 mg, ginger root extract 50 mg, Maitake mushroom extract 50 mg, Oregon grape Root 50 mg, Shitake Mushroom Extract, yarrow extra 50mg, Any expert on nutrition and alternative medicine will know that I am bringing the big guns to this fight! The best on earth to fight this fight!

With regards to the diet, what food I have avoided?  The same foods that people with asthma or pulmonary fibrosis won’t eat.  I have been focused on an Alkaline diet and lots of prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers found in foods like root vegetables, lots of red onions and garlic, beans, asparagus, oats, nuts, bananas, and pineapple that contains bromelain another important anti-inflammatory.  Lots of tea because the body needs a lot of liquids to get the right of the toxins.  

Beyond the nutrition and supplements: Before bed, I meditate and do breathing exercises following the win wolf method of breathing. The purpose of these two practices is to fill the lungs with oxygen to reverse what the virus does to the lung’ cels. In the morning more meditation and I dance for 30 for 45 minutes, charging me with euphoria and dopamine. Lots of payers, faith and the conviction that everything is going to be ok.  I know that the world will get stronger and wiser! If you have any questions feel free to contact me please go to Instagram @1lizmchugh. As Dr. Dispenza said; ” The best way to predict the future is to create it’!  with Love

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