COVID-19: How I Cure it Naturally

COVID-19: How I Cure it Naturally

I have been agonizing for the infected people!  Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Our leaders have focused their attention on travel bans, testing, isolation, mask, and washing hands  And, while all that is great and seem to be the “right strategy” for preparation to the pandemic, it won’t do anything to protect you or save you if you get infected. The fast deaths have taught us that time is of the essence and having a healthy immune system and low inflammation is critical.

I am going to quickly disclose that  I developed Diabetes in 2007 and in 2011 my vital organs were damaged by triple antibiotics. in 2014 I beat uterus cancer and reversed diabetes. This is relevant because with my background I belong to 16% “severe” and 4% “critical” group that needed oxygen and have had a multi-organ failure, but thanks to my protocols I have experienced what the 80% infected have to experience: “mild to moderate” symptoms.

Now how I get it? I am not sure where or when but with the NY as the epicenter of the U.S. I don’t have to think too hard as I was still in Manhattan when the virus started. I left NY on March 20. You can read details on my blog “Somewhere between West New York and Bogota, I got the COVI19”.

What are my symptoms: Unlike some others, I didn’t have a cough or fever, this is very important because I started aggressively my protocols. My goal has been, not only beat the virus but do it in a way that my lungs were protected for life at all costs. It is the only organ that was intact from previous life’s accidents so I am treasuring it. I had soreness in my throat then I developed shortness of breath, then the fatigue, suffocated when going up the stairs and that is very unusual for me as I am an athletic woman, and nausea, especially after eating. For you, become suspicious instead of waiting for the respiratory symptoms to emerge. I didn’t allow for the fever to happen because of the protocols potency. 

How I beat it? I researched how the Chinese cure over 60,000 people and I got the core of the Chinese protocol. According to CNN The “lung-cleansing and detoxifying soup” — or “brown Soup” the remedy being handed out in the makeshift hospital Xiong was in. The prescription is promoted by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Health Commission as a suitable remedy for patients with mild to serious symptoms and has since been widely used in Wuhan and other provinces.

Feng Yibin, acting director of the School of Chinese Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, said the prescription was based on four herbal formulas from ancient China, “After being first adopted in four provinces, clinical observations show that the remedy has desirable results, so it was promoted nationwide,” he said. In addition, Feng said research had shown that the 29 herbs used in the remedy will interact with ACE2 — a receptor used by the novel coronavirus to infect host cells, and are thus an effective method to treat COVID-19.

I observe that other Doctors such as dr. Richard Cheng, who has been working in Shanghai, China used Vitamin C. I checked with my good friend a south Koran chiropractor and nutritionist based on Boston to see what they used over there and it was similar herbs so I looked into the equivalent to what we have already in the USA. I found the perfect mix that is the equivalent to the “brown soup” bottle in on formula. Then, I ad up other critical superheroes to fight inflammation and Infection. This new combined Chinese, S. Korean, American mix is giving me confidence because healing is what I do best!.

English Version

In short what the protocols contain? My protocols every day include A glass of water with apple cider vinegar to take care of Alkalinity and fatty liver and the virus at the same time. You can take lemon or baking soda for alkalinity purposes. Then 2000 mg of my total l 8,000 vitamins C day, My most powerful anti-inflammatory black seed oil that will protect and an clean the lung airways black seed oil, I have mentioned the most powerful antioxidant Glutathione in easy formula with Alpha Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle extract that will fight the virus and repair my liver and my “brown soup” full of our earth superheroes that include zinc, 250 mg of grapefruit seed extract, astragalus root 100 mg, Reishi mushrooms extract 100mg, Echinacea Angustifolia 50 mg, ginger root extract 50 mg, Maitake mushroom extract 50 mg, Oregon grape Root 50 mg, Shitake Mushroom Extract, yarrow extra 50mg, Any expert on nutrition and alternative medicine will know that I am bringing the big guns to this fight!

Then 2000 mg of my total 8,000 vitamins C day, My most powerful anti-inflammatory black seed oil that will protect and an clean the lung airways black seed oil, I have mentioned the most powerful antioxidant Glutathione in easy formula with Alpha Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle extract that will fight the virus and repair my liver and my “brown soup” full of our earth superheroes that include zinc, 250 mg of grapefruit seed extract, astragalus root 100 mg, Reishi mushrooms extract 100mg, Echinacea Angustifolia 50 mg, ginger root extract 50 mg, Maitake mushroom extract 50 mg, Oregon grape Root 50 mg, Shitake Mushroom Extract, yarrow extra 50mg. Other important vitamins B and D! Any expert on nutrition and alternative medicine will know that I am bringing the big guns to this fight!

Spanish Version

With regards to the diet, what food I have avoided? The same foods that people with asthma or pulmonary fibrosis won’t eat.  I have been focused on an Alkaline diet and lots of prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers found in foods like root vegetables, lots of red onions and garlic, beans, asparagus, oats, nuts, bananas, and pineapple that contains bromelain another important anti-inflammatory. The Win Wolf breathing method and meditation to fill the lungs and the body with oxygen, stay off of sugars, please! Lots of payers, faith and the conviction that everything is going to be ok. Lots of tea because the body needs a lot of liquids to get the right of the toxins. I Healed in 10 days!

Before I fall to sleep I meditate and do breathing exercises follow the win wolf method of breathing and knock me out to sleep. In the morning more meditation and I dance for 30 for 45 minutes. that gives me euphoria and dopamine. Lots of payers, faith and the conviction that everything is going to be ok.  I know that the world will get out this, stronger and wiser! sending love to everyone. If you have any questions feel free to contact me please go to Instagram @1lizmchugh. As Dr. Dispenza said; ” The best way to predict the future is to create it’! Please pass it to your love ones. with Love  

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